These Terms of Service forms a legal contract between ProInvoice, a division of Fronesyz Technologies Limited (“ProInvoice”, “we, “ouror “us”), and you, whether as an individual or on behalf of an organization or an entity (“Customeror “you), which provides you access to and usage of the ProInvoice website ( as well as any other media channel, or application related or linked. 

By accessing the ProInvoice platforms, you agree to be bound by these terms of service. These terms of service are subject to change by us at any time in our discretion. You are to discontinue the use of this platform if you no longer agree with the updates and modifications made at any time to the terms of service.  

Our Service 

ProInvoice is an online invoicing platform, providing a range of products and services including online invoices, invoice templates, expenses and more. These features, solution and services can be used by any individual, business and representatives of a business or organization. Customers can access the services via the ProInvoice website or software provided and with it create and send professional invoice to clients. There is also an option to receive payments for issued invoices online.  

Changes & Modifications of Services 

ProInvoice reserves the right, at our sole discretion to make changes, modify, update, or delete the Terms of service and any additional Terms on the website, or by notifying you by email. The responsibility to visit the Terms of use periodically in other to review any changes is solely dependent on you. If you decide to continue using the services after changes has been made to the website, you will be deemed to have accepted the use of the updated Terms. 

Account Registration 

To use our products, services, and features, you will be required to register an account. To register an account, you are required to manually enter correct and verifiable information about you and your business, including your name, email, phone number, business name, business address, business category and set a password. You agree to keep your password secret and be responsible for the use of your email address and password. You agree to update your information should there be any changes, to keep registered information true, accurate, current, and complete. Should we notice any inappropriate user details, we reserve the right to remove, suspend or terminate your access to and use of the services. This platform is intended for users of age of 18 years and above or applicable age of maturity in respective jurisdiction. 

Accessing the Platform 

You must ensure the confidentiality of your email and password used to access your account and must take reasonable steps to keep your account safe and secure from unauthorised individuals or representatives within your business. You are solely responsible for all activity occurring within your account and we are not liable for any loss of login information, theft, and misuse of your account or information therein or unlawful usage arising out of your voluntary disclosure of your login details to any other individual.  

As expected, you are eligible to use our website for authorized and lawful purposes only. You may not attempt to: 

  • alter, regenerate, modify, gain unauthorised access to, or introduce any kind of malicious code to any part of the Platforms in any way possible. 
  • replicate misleading links to the platform from a third-party website. 
  • Decipher, decompile, or reverse engineer (whether in whole or in part) any software available through the Platforms unless you’re allowed to do this by law. 
  • circumvent or interfere with security-related features to disrupt the operation of the platform 
  • access the product to build a competitive product or services 
  • remove, change, or store any content of the platform 
  • use the platform for any unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, indecent, or offensive purposes. 
  • transfer, upload or send any data that contains harmful materials, such as worms, viruses, or Trojan horses. 
  • carry out illegal activities of the platform, by either collecting usernames and/or email addresses of users to send unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk emails or creating user accounts by automated means or under false pretences.  
  • impersonate any individual, organization, or entity, including any staff or representative of ProInvoice 
  • use the platform except to the extent expressly set out in the terms and conditions 

Subscription Fees & Payment 

You may be required to subscribe to a plan to access some of our product features and services. You agree to pay the subscription charges or fees linked to your subscription plan, and you authorize us to charge your preferred payment method for the selected plan. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate subscription and account information for all subscriptions and payments made via the platform. In the event you subscribed to our services on a monthly or annual recurring/subscription basis, you accept and agree that you are authorizing recurring subscriptions, and payments shall be made to ProInvoice by the chosen method of your first payment, without requiring your prior approval for each recurring charge, until you issue a cancellation notice. 

We reserve the right to offer a trial (test period) in the form of test access to all or some features of the platform. During your trial period the use of the platform shall be free of charge. If You decide to continue using the Service after the end of the trial period, we may charge a fee in form of a subscription. We shall decide on the duration of the trial period at our sole discretion. We may change the subscription fees for the Service and its features at any time in the future and at our reasonable discretion. We shall inform You about such change no later than 30 days before the new subscription fee for the Service becomes effective. If You do not agree with the new subscription fee, you have the right to decide to withdraw your usage of the services. If, however, you continue to use the Service, you thereby give consent with the new subscription fee for the Service and are bound to pay the fee for the Service in line with the new subscription fee. 

In the event where you utilized a discount code or promo-code made available to you by an e-mail message or newsletter or other distribution channels to subscribe on our website or software, this shall reduce the Paid subscription pricing for a maximum period of 1 or 12 months depending on the chosen subscription type (monthly or annual), thereafter the Paid subscription pricing will be applicable. We are authorized to terminate your use and access to relevant feature(s) if you fail to renew or make payments for a preferred Paid subscription plan available on the pricing page of our website.  

Subscription Cancellation & Refunds 

Recurring subscriptions fees are billed in advance on a monthly or yearly basis and is non-transferable and non-refundable. There will be no refunds or acceptance of partial subscriptions, upgrade/downgrade refunds, or refunds for months unused with an open account. You are free to cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and removing your billing details. In an event where you file a dispute for payment made for your subscription to a paid plan (monthly or annual), you agree to forfeit the entire amount of your subscription and will be downgraded to a free plan thereafter. 

Your cancellation takes effect at the end of the current paid subscription period.  

Invoice Payment 

By sending an invoice to an individual (“End Customer”) the individual shall receive the invoice to their email address along with an invitation to open the invoice on the ProInvoice platform. Payment for invoice received can be made directly on the platform or paid directly to the bank account details specified on the invoice. Where we have provided the option to receive payment via our platform, the end customer may select appropriate payment option available in their jurisdiction as long that chosen option is supported. . Payment method shall be governed by the terms of Use of the payment gateway or financial institution. Details of the gateways provider and relevant financial institutions are visible while conducting payment transactions. Please refer to their respective terms and condition of service for details. Details of some of the key partners we work with are provided below. Kindly note that we are not liable for accuracy, validity, or regularity of the invoices you send or receive through our platform. Consider contacting the sender of the invoice to confirm the validity of documents received. 

Our Key Partners 

Paystackis our partner providing us and  some of our Users in Africa with payment gateway services. You can find their key terms and privacy policy on this link 

Stripe’ is our partner providing us with payment gateway services outside Africa. You can find their privacy policy and key terms on this link 

‘Google Cloud Platform’ is our partner providing cloud data storage service. Details of their terms can be found here 


Data Protection & Collection 

ProInvoice is firmly committed to protect your privacy and develop technologies that gives both businesses and their clients a safer and secure experience. By using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that our collection, usage, and disclosure of this personal information is governed by our DATA PRIVACY, PROTECTION & COOKIE NOTICE 

Any information such as name, email address, phone number and business details collected is solely for the purpose of creating a professional invoice service for customers. Should we require any details at any time for a different purpose, such purpose will be clearly communicated at the point of data collection. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your email address, password, and other sensitive information. You are responsible for all the activities that take place in your account, and you agree to immediately notify ProInvoice of any unauthorized access to your account.  

Termination of Account 

These terms of Service are effective upon the date you agree to them and will remain in full force until terminated by you or us. You agree that ProInvoice may, without any prior written notice, immediately terminate, suspend, discontinue and/or limit your account, email or other businesses associated with your account, and access to any of our services.  

Upon termination of your account, your user account data would be deleted upon request. You may choose to cancel or terminate your account, associated email address and/or access to the ProInvoice services from the ProInvoice application or by sending a request by email to from the email address you used in creating the account. Except that which are required to be retained under any applicable law, we shall delete all user account data from our database including personal information in accordance with applicable laws. We may be required to keep some transactional data for an additional period in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.  


By using the Services you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ProInvoice, including our affiliates, joint ventures, or other companies it controls, including our employees, officers, agents, and partners, from and against any losses, damages, fines, or claim, and expenses (including attorney’s fees and costs), made by any third party due to or arising out of, use of this platform, breach of these Terms of Service by you or your representatives, your violation of the rights of a third party right, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, or any other harmful act towards any user that connected you to the platform. We reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control over matters arising for which you are to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defence of such claims. Upon becoming aware of such claims, or proceedings, we shall notify you immediately. 







Limitation of Liability 

You agree that ProInvoice (Together with any affiliates, joint venture partners, or other companies it controls or is under common control with, to include employees, officers, and directors or such entities or the other companies on its platform) shall, in no event, be liable for any of the following types of loss or damage arising under or in relation to your use of the services, these terms of Use, and any other additions to the terms indirect or consequential loss or damage (including loss or profits, goodwill, business, contracts, or anticipated revenue even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages, including user & client data, or other loss arising out of or caused by your use of or inability to use our services, even if ProInvoice has been advised of the possibility of such damage, loss or damage incurred by you as a result of any acts or omissions by you or any third parties or our obligations to comply with applicable law, any act or omission of any government authority, act of war, accident, natural disaster, strike, blockade, or other common event, regardless of if we are an instigator or subject of such event. ProInvoice will not be held liable for any loss or damage that occurs from users’ interaction or use of services. 

Notwithstanding, please note that ProInvoice is just a platform that enables businesses send professional invoices to clients and ProInvoice will not be held liable for disputes (Including but not limited to disputes regarding the confirmation of payment or receipt of invoice sent, disputes regarding the validation of service delivery to clients. Through any delivery channel and unto a user; disputes in respect of the fitness for purpose and the quality of services provided by businesses) that may arise between a User and a client. You are required to conduct due diligence on the clients that you send invoices to. 

Intellectual Property Rights 

All property rights and other intellectual property rights with respect to the service and its components of the website ( including text, graphics elements, layouts, interfaces, software, images, videos, and other components) are protected according to the copyright’s laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. You are not authorized to use any content, brand, logo, graphics, or any other materials without an express permission from ProInvoice. 

Your use of the website does not in give you right or entitlements to exploit any content, in whole or part. You may use the service solely for the purpose we created the service and only within the interfaces, and software made available by us. When you submit or upload your information on our website, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable licence to use, distribute, send, copy, or publish your data subject to our Privacy Notice. 

Governing Law 

This Terms of Use is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales . 





Referral Program & Reward 

We may run referral programmes from time to time. During an active referral campaign, a user or affiliate marketer (“Referrer”) may utilize and share any referral program with their personal referral link (Referral Link”) made available by ProInvoice platform to invited party (“Invitee”) withing the countries where ProInvoice services is located. The referrer and the invited party who participates in the referral programme must be different individuals or entity. 

A referrer can earn a referral reward (“Reward”) following the below steps: 

  • Referrer generates their personal referral link from the ProInvoice referral programme webpage and share with the invited party 
  • The invited party access the referral link to create an account on the ProInvoice platform 
  • The Invited Party subscribes to a ProInvoice Paid plan. 

In an event of abusive, unlawful, or fraudulent activity, ProInvoice reserves the right to deny or reverse any rewards within its discretion. Users can visit our website or application for details of any active referral programme to learn about how to claim a reward, payment methods and other legal obligations of the referral programme. 

Electronic Communications & Signatures 

Accessing the platform, completing account registration, and sending us emails constitute electronic communications. You agree to receive electronic communications, and you consent to all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we shall transmit electronically, via email and on the website. You hereby agree to the use of electronic signatures, contracts, orders, and other records, and to electronic delivery of notices, polices, and records of invoices sent or completed by us or on the platform. You hereby waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments of invoices. 

Feedbacks and Questions 

For further feedbacks or questions regarding these Terms of Services, please contact us here: 


Product of Genyz Transport Solutions 

5 Readwin Crescent Wokingham 

RG40 5BD United Kingdom 


Terms of use

These Terms of Service form a legal contract between ProInvoice, a division of Fronesyz Technologies Limited (“ProInvoice”, “we”, “our” or “us”), and you, whether as an individual or on behalf of an organization or an entity (“Customer” or “you”), which provides you access to and usage of the ProInvoice website ( as well as any other media channel, or application related or linked.

By accessing the ProInvoice platforms, you agree to be bound by these terms of service. These terms of service are subject to change by us at any time at our discretion. You are to discontinue the use of this platform if you no longer agree with the updates and modifications made at any time to the terms of service.



Our Services

ProInvoice is an online invoicing platform, providing a range of products and services including online invoices, invoice templates, expenses and more. These advanced features, solutions and services can be used by any individual, business and representatives of a business or organization. Customers can access the services via the website or software provided, send professional invoice to clients, and receive payments seamlessly

Changes and Modifications

“>ProInvoice reserves the right, at our sole discretion to make changes, modify, update, or delete the Terms of service and any additional Terms on the website, or by notifying you by email. The responsibility to visit the Terms of use periodically in order to review any changes is solely dependent on you. If you decide to continue using the services after changes have been made to the website, you will be deemed to have accepted the use of the updated Terms.

Account Registration

To use our products, services, and features, you will be required to register an account. To register an account, you are required to manually enter correct and verifiable information about you and your business, including your name, email, phone number, business name, business address, business category and set a password. You agree to keep your password secret and be responsible for the use of your email address and password. You agree to update your information should there be any changes, to keep registered information true, accurate, current, and complete. Should we notice any inappropriate user details, we reserve the right to remove, suspend, or terminate your access to and use of the services. This platform is not intended for users under the age of 18 years old. Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to access or register on the platform.

Accessing the Platform​

You must ensure the confidentiality of your email and password used to access your account and must take reasonable steps to keep your account safe and secure from unauthorised individuals or representatives within your business. You are solely responsible for all activity occurring within your account and we are not liable for any loss of login information, theft, and misuse of your account or information therein or unlawful usage arising out of your voluntary disclosure of your login details to any other individual.

As expected, you are eligible to use our website for authorized and lawful purposes only. You may not attempt to:

  • Alter, regenerate, modify, gain unauthorised access to, or introduce any kind of malicious code to any part of the Platforms in any way possible.
  • Replicate misleading links to the platform from a third-party website.
  • Decipher, decompile, or reverse engineer (whether in whole or in part) any software available through the Platforms unless you’re allowed to do this by law.
  • Circumvent or interfere with security-related features to disrupt the operation of the platform
  • Access the product to build a competitive product or services
  • Remove, change, or store any content of the platform
  • Use the platform for any unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, indecent, or offensive purposes.
  • Transfer, upload, or send any data that contains harmful materials, such as worms, viruses, or Trojan horses.
  • Carry out illegal activities of the platform, by either collecting usernames and/or email addresses of users to send unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk emails or creating user accounts by automated means or under false pretences.
  • Impersonate any individual, organization, or entity, including any staff or representative of ProInvoice
  • Use the platform except to the extent expressly set out in the terms and condition

Subscription Fees and Payment​

You may be required to subscribe to a plan to access some of our product features and services. You agree to pay the subscription charges or fees to affect your subscription plan, and you authorize us to charge your preferred payment method for the selected plan. You agree to provide current, complete, and accurate subscription and account information for all subscriptions and payments made via the platform. In the event you subscribed to our services on a monthly or annual recurring/subscription basics (e.g., Basic plan, Standard plan, Premium plan), you accept and agree that you are authorizing recurring subscriptions, and payments shall be made to ProInvoice by the chosen method of your first payment, without requiring your prior approval for each recurring charge, until you issue a cancellation notice.


We reserve the right to offer a trial (test period) in the form of test access to all or some features on the platform. During your trial period the use of the platform shall be free of charge. If You decide to continue using the Service after the end of the trial period, we may charge a fee in the form of a subscription. We shall decide on the duration of the trial period at our sole discretion. We may change the subscription fees for the Service and its features at any time in the future and at its reasonable discretion. We shall inform You about such change no later than 30 days before the new subscription fee for the Service becomes effective. If You don’t agree with the new subscription fee, you have the right to decide to withdraw your usage of the services. If, however, you will continue to use the Service, you thereby give consent with the new subscription fee for the Service and are bound to pay the fee for the Service in line with the new subscription fee.


In the event where you utilized a discount code, promo-code made available to you by an e-mail message or newsletter to subscribe on the website or software, shall reduce the otherwise standard subscription pricing for a maximum period of 1 or 12 months depending on the chosen subscription type (monthly or annual), thereafter the standard subscription pricing will be applicable. We are authorized to terminate your use and access to the feature if you fail to renew or make payments for a preferred standard subscription plan available on the pricing page of our website.


Subscription Cancellation and Refunds

Recurring subscriptions fees are billed in advance on a monthly or yearly basis and are non-transferable and non-refundable. There will be no refunds or acceptance of partial subscriptions, upgrade/downgrade refunds, or refunds for months unused with an open account. You are free to cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and removing your billing details. In an event where you file a dispute for payment made for your subscription to the standard plan (monthly or annual), you agree to forfeit the entire amount of your subscription and will be downgraded to a free plan thereafter.

Your cancellation takes effect at the end of the current paid subscription period.

Invoice Payment

By sending an invoice to an individual (“End Customer”) the individual shall receive the invoice to their email address along with an invitation to open the invoice on the ProInvoice platform. Payment for invoice received can be made directly on the platform using the selected payment method of the business provided by ProInvoice. This may include but not limited to Debit Card Payment, USSD, Transfer or other payment methods. Payment method shall be governed by the terms of Use of the payment gateway or financial institution (Paystack, Financial Institutions, etc). Kindly note that we are not liable for accuracy, validity, or regularity of the invoices you send or receive through our platform. Consider contacting the sender of the invoice to confirm the validity of documents received.

Termination of Account

These terms of Service are effective upon the date you agree to them and will remain in full force until terminated by you or us. You agree that ProInvoice may, without any prior written notice, immediately terminate, suspend, discontinue and/or limit your account, email or other businesses associated with your account, and access to any of our services.

Upon termination of your account, your user account data would be deleted upon request. You may choose to cancel or terminate your account, associated email address and/or access to the ProInvoice services by sending a request by email to from the email address you used in creating the account. Except those which are required to be retained under any applicable law, we shall delete all user account data from our database including personal information in accordance with applicable laws. We may be required to keep some transactional data for an additional period of time in accordance with the laws.


By using the Services you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ProInvoice, including our affiliates, joint ventures, or other companies it controls, including our employees, officers, agents, and partners, from and against any losses, damages, fines, or claim, and expenses (including attorney’s fees and costs), made by any third party due to or arising out of, use of this platform, breach of these Terms of Service by you or your representatives, your violation of the rights of a third party right, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, or any other harmful act towards any user that connected you to the platform. We reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control over matters arising for which you are to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defence of such claims. Upon becoming aware of such claims, or proceedings, we shall notify you immediately.

Limitation of Liability​

You agree that ProInvoice (Together with any affiliates, joint venture partners, or other companies it controls or is under common control with, to include employees, officers, and directors or such entities or the other companies on its platform) shall, in no event, be liable for any of the following types of loss or damage arising under or in relation to your use of the services, these terms of Use, and any other additions to the terms indirect or consequential loss or damage (including loss or profits, goodwill, business, contracts, or anticipated revenue even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages, including user & client data, or other loss arising out of or caused by your use of or inability to use our services, even if ProInvoice has been advised of the possibility of such damage, loss or damage incurred by you as a result of any acts or omissions by you or any third parties or our obligations to comply with applicable law, any act or omission of any government authority, act of war, accident, natural disaster, strike, blockade, or other common event, regardless of if we are an instigator or subject of such event. ProInvoice will not be held liable for any loss or damage that occurs from users’ interaction or use of services.

Notwithstanding, please note that ProInvoice is just a platform that enables businesses send professional invoices to clients and ProInvoice will not be held liable for disputes (Including but not limited to disputes regarding the confirmation of payment or receipt of invoice sent, disputes regarding the validation of service delivery to clients. Through any delivery channel and unto a user; disputes in respect of the fitness for purpose and the quality of services provided by businesses) that may arise between a User and a client. You are required to conduct due diligence on the clients that you send invoices to.

Intellectual Property Rights​

All property rights and other intellectual property rights with respect to the service and its components of the website ( including text, graphics elements, layouts, interfaces, software, images, videos, and other components) are protected according to the copyright’s laws You are not authorized to use any content, brand, logo, graphics, or any other materials without an express permission from ProInvoice.

Your use of the website does not give you right or entitlements to exploit any content, in whole or part. You may use the service solely for the purpose we created the service and only within the interfaces, and software made available by us. When you submit or upload your information on our website, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable licence to use, distribute, send, copy, or publish your data subject to our Privacy Notice.

Referral Program & Reward​

A user or affiliate marketer (“Referrer”) may utilize and share any referral program with their personal referral link (Referral Link”) made available by ProInvoice platform to invited party (“Invitee”) within the countries where ProInvoice services is located. The referrer and the invited party who participates in the referral program must be different individuals or entities.

A referrer can earn a referral reward (“Reward”) following the below steps:

  • Referrer generates their personal referral link from the ProInvoice referral program webpage and share with the invited party
  • The invited party access the referral link to create an account on the ProInvoice platform
  • The Invited Party subscribes to a ProInvoice Standard or Premium plan.


In an event of abusive, unlawful, or fraudulent activity, ProInvoice reserves the right to deny or reverse any rewards within its discretion. Users can visit our referral program webpage to learn about how to claim a reward, payment methods and other legal obligations of the referral program.

Electronic Communications & Signatures​

By accessing the platform, completing account registration, and sending us emails constitute electronic communications. You agree to receive electronic communications, and you consent to all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we shall transmit electronically, via email and on the website. Satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing. You hereby agree to the use of electronic signatures, contracts, orders, and other records, and to electronic delivery of notices, polices, and records of invoices sent or completed by us or on the platform. You hereby waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or for payments of invoices.

Feedbacks and Questions

For further feedbacks or questions regarding these Terms of Services, please contact us here:
