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How to create / send an invoice

  • Access the ProInvoice web app on your browser via app.proinvoice.co
  • Sign into your account using your email address and password.
  • To create an invoice, click the top right “New Invoice” button on your Dashboard.
  • Following that, a blank invoice template will appear with a number of entry fields as below;
  • Contact (To): This is your client or the invoice recipient.
  • Purchase Order Number: The purchase order number that your business issued
  • Summary: Enter a title/description for your invoice, which acts as a detailed reference of the invoice.
  • Item Description: The name and description of your item.
  • Quantity and Unit: Your item quantity, per-unit price and unit.
  • Amount: Your item’s total amount before taxes (V.A.T)
  • Due Date: Here, you can indicate how many days (after the invoice date) or a specific date your invoice will be due.
  • Currency: The currency you want the invoice amounts to be shown in.
  • V.A.T: The value added tax
  • Footer Note: You can specify an invoice footer by creating Customizations Notes & Emails, additional text, bank details and Statement Footer.
  • Once all details have been filled, click on the ‘Proceed’ button to finalize the invoice creation.
  • Then proceed to send the invoice by clicking on the send invoice button on the draft screen. Here, you see the email address of your contact, you can choose to attach a pdf version of the invoice and also send a sms notification, make your preferred selection and proceed to send the invoice

How to add a contact

  • Adding a new contact to your Proinvoice account is simple. On the left menu bar, click on ‘Contacts’ then ‘Add Contact’.
  • Next, fill in all the required details such as; Contact Name, Email address, phone number and Company address.
  • Once filled, click on “Add Contact” to finalize the action.

How to manage an invoice

  • Sending an Invoice: Upon creating an invoice, you can choose to send the invoice directly to the customer (contact) either by attaching a copy of the invoice via email or via SMS notification.
  • Editing an Invoice: The invoice can be updated with new information. However, if the invoice has already been sent, the changes would be updated but it is advisable to send your customer another copy as the pdf wouldn’t get updated.
  • Recording a Payment: To record a payment, navigate to the particular invoice on the invoice page. Click on “Record Payment” and take record of ;
  • Recurring Invoice: to create a recurring invoice, click the top right “More Info” button on the particular Invoice and choose “Set as Recurring” or toggle the set as recurring button the the button right of the screen. Then you would be required setup a recurring schedule with the following details.
  • Download as PDF: This option allows you to download the invoice in PDF format. Please go to Invoices and click the top right “More Info” button on the particular Invoice and choose “Download PDF” to download it as a PDF.
  • Duplicate an Invoice: This allows you to make a copy of an invoice.
  • Send a Reminder: Simply open the invoice and select “Send Reminder” from the “More Actions” menu in the upper right. Confirm all the details and click “Send Reminder”. The reminder email will be sent to the customer’s email address.
  • Invoice Settings: Navigate to the Invoice and click the “More Actions”. Then select “Invoice settings” to enable/disable payment integration, due date, and auto-reminder settings for that particular invoice.
  • Invoice Activity: Navigate to the Invoice and click the “More Actions”. Then select “Invoice activity”, here you can view the logs of an invoice like date created, date sent, date paid and all relevant information about the activities of the invoice
  • Preview Invoice: Navigate to the Invoice and click the “More Actions”. Then select “Preview Invoice”, here you can view an invoice as a contact would view it.
  • Delete an Invoice: Navigate to the Invoice and click the “More Actions”. Then select “Delete Invoice”, this option is to get rid of any outdated or unintentional invoice created.

Editing Invoice Settings

  • Configuration choices and other customization options are included in invoice settings.
  • On the left menu bar, click Settings /Invoice to make changes to the default properties of all invoices such as Currency, footer note, Invoice prefix, Due dates, Auto reminders, and more. Make sure to click on “update” to save all changes made.

Frequently Asked Questions

ProInvoice allows you to create invoice, send invoice, set recurring invoices, auto-reminder, and a dashboard for financial reporting and documentation of all incomes. With ProInvoice, you can also track when an invoice is viewed, invoice due dates, and payment status. With our additional payment solution, clients can make payments in a couple of clicks.

We take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices when a customer enters, register, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of their personal information. Our website is scanned via malware scanning regularly to tackle security lapses and vulnerabilities to ensure that your visit to our website is safe.

ProInvoice is suitable for anyone who:

  • Wants to customise and send invoices with their unique business name, business logo, etc.
  • Wants to be able to track when their invoices are viewed by customers.
  • Wants to automatically send invoice reminders to their customers.
  • Wants to send scheduled recurring invoices to customers.
  • Wants to collate advanced and beautiful reports for their business.


Yes, we have available options to ensure you can receive payment with ease. With ProInvoice, you can accept bank transfers, credit cards and a variety of payment methods right away, and let customers pay directly from your invoice – even on their phone. For proper documentation, you get to record payments made offline.