Sign in

How to sign up / Create an account

  • Navigate to signup on the website. or go to app.proinvoice.co
  • Enter a valid email address, phone number (optional) and your preferred password then press the create account button. NB: It is advisable to use a strong password that includes a cap letter, a number, and a special character for better security.
  • You would be redirected to the verification page which notifies you that a verification link has been sent to your email address.
  • Kindly log on to your email address, click on the verification mail and tap on the “verify email address” button. If you can’t find the email, check your promotions or spam folder, and if you still can’t find it go back to the web page and tap the “Resend verification mail” button.
  • Once your email is verified, tap on the continue button. You’ll be redirected to the sign-in page, kindly enter the email address and password you used in the registration process, and then tap on ‘Sign In’.
  • Next, set up your account, enter all the required details (First Name, Last Name, Currency, Business Name, and Category).
  • Lastly, click on the “Proceed” button to finalize the registration process. You would get a “Business successfully Registered” success page. NB: You can decide to create your first invoice immediately or later.

How to reset password

  • Click on the “Forgot Password“ text link on the sign-in page.
  • Enter the email address linked to your ProInvoice account.
  • You will receive an email after successfully entering and submitting your ProInvoice account email address. Check your mailbox and click the “Reset Password” button in the email sent by Proinvoice to reset your password.
  • By clicking the link in the email, you can access the password reset page. Enter your new password, confirm the password and hit “proceed” button on the screen. After that, you will be routed to the log-in page.

Editing profile details

  • In order to modify the information in your ProInvoice profile. Simply click on “Settings” from the left menu bar or click on the profile icon dropdown in the top right side of the screen.
  • Then you’ll be able to make changes to your name, log-in email address, and your password. Make sure to update to save all changes made.

Frequently Asked Questions

ProInvoice allows you to create invoice, send invoice, set recurring invoices, auto-reminder, and a dashboard for financial reporting and documentation of all incomes. With ProInvoice, you can also track when an invoice is viewed, invoice due dates, and payment status. With our additional payment solution, clients can make payments in a couple of clicks.

We take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices when a customer enters, register, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of their personal information. Our website is scanned via malware scanning regularly to tackle security lapses and vulnerabilities to ensure that your visit to our website is safe.

ProInvoice is suitable for anyone who:

  • Wants to customise and send invoices with their unique business name, business logo, etc.
  • Wants to be able to track when their invoices are viewed by customers.
  • Wants to automatically send invoice reminders to their customers.
  • Wants to send scheduled recurring invoices to customers.
  • Wants to collate advanced and beautiful reports for their business.


Yes, we have available options to ensure you can receive payment with ease. With ProInvoice, you can accept bank transfers, credit cards and a variety of payment methods right away, and let customers pay directly from your invoice – even on their phone. For proper documentation, you get to record payments made offline.