The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Invoice Generator for Your Business

a downloaded copy of invoice from the best invoice generator on a table beside a calculator

Choosing the best invoice generator for your business is key to business growth and success. Being a business owner means that you’re in charge of everything that concerns the business.

Your inability to give the correct account for the business expenditures will be your business, and so will your ability to give a correct account.

When it comes to monitoring your business’s financial expenditure, you want to do that through invoicing because it helps you have a clear track of your business’s financial record, that is, money coming in and going out.

When it comes to invoicing, one of the easiest ways to do it is by making use of the best invoice generator because it gets your invoicing done with speed and ease.

Today, there are over hundreds of invoice generators out there, which can make choosing the right one a difficult task.

In this article are 5 guides to help you choose the best invoice generator for your business. 

What to Look Out For When Choosing The Best Invoice Generator For Your Business 

1.  Features 

It is important to look out for the features of the invoice generator you want to use. Invoice generators with good features perform way better than those with limited features.

Below are some important details to look out for in the generator to use for your business. Available Templates There should be more than one template that you can use on the invoice generator.

A good one should give you at least 5 templates to choose from. Invoice templates help you to create invoices with ease.

Templates also reduce human error if you are to create an invoice from scratch for your client.

Recurring Invoicing Even though you need your money from clients, it still is not easy to always remember to send them a follow-up invoice to remember paying up their debt.

This is where recurring invoicing comes in. This feature automatically sends invoices to clients continuously.

All you have to do is set how you want it to be sent. Whether daily, weekly, twice a week, or monthly.

Multiple Payment Options If you want to be able to receive payments without stressing yourself and your client, it is good to use an invoice generator that supports more than one payment method.

This way you can easily get paid, and avoid late payments from your clients. Tracking Capability A good invoice generator must be designed in such a way that it allows you to easily track your finances.

It should be able to tell who hasn’t made payments. A good invoice generator should help your financial planning to be easier. 

2.  Pricing 

Another important factor to look out for when choosing the best invoice generator for your business is the pricing.

If you’re a small business, still growing in your financial capability, you might want to go for an invoice generator with moderate pricing, something within your business budget.

However, if you’re a big organization, because of your invoicing scale, you might want to go for a generator with higher pricing and features.

When considering pricing, there are different subscription plans that you can choose from. There are some that offer a free plan, however have limits to what you can do and can only unlock when you choose a payment plan.

Some give you a 7 to 14 days trial period before they start charging you for using their platform. ProInvoice offers you a 7-day free trial before charging you.

However, a good invoice generator should be affordable to you as a business owner and provide essential features to make your invoicing task much simpler. 

3.  User Interface 

When you are choosing the right invoice generator to create invoices for your business, make sure you put in mind the user interface.

A generator with a bad interface only makes your invoicing task hard because you might end up mixing details up, thereby confusing your client on what exactly they are being charged.

An invoice generator with proper demarcation, helping you know where to fill in what detail shows that it has a good interface.

Also, buttons that are stating what function it performs and the written context of the invoice generator is something that will allow easy interaction with it.

A good interface will help you create invoices with ease and quickly, allowing you to create multiple invoices seamlessly. 

4.  Customer Support System 

As a user of any invoice generator, there are times when you will be confused about something in the generator you are using and you want to ask questions.

You want to make sure that the customer support system is readily available.

Good customer support should be able to speak multiple languages, also, they should be able to respond to whatever query you ask in a polite and correct manner.

Customer support helps you as a user understand how to use the generator best and even at times prescribes the right payment plan for your business. 

5.  Integration System 

This is very important that the invoice generator you are using can easily integrate with other software.

An integration system has to deal with a method of bringing together components to make it function in a system.

Your invoice generator should easily accept any accounting system to make your account even easier now that it is side-by-side with your invoicing tool.

Being able to do this helps you to reduce accounting mistakes that can in the end be detrimental to your business.


Finding the best invoice generator is no doubt a difficult task because there are many of them out there.

However, with the points we have above, it is a good place to start when you want to choose the right generator for your business.

Even though invoicing is not an easy task, with the right tool at hand, it becomes something that is seamless.

Being able to track your business finances is one of the major functions of invoicing which is why it should be done with the proper tool.

By using ProInvoice, you are sure about your business growth, because ProInvoice allows you to generate invoices and send them without any stress.

We have a user interface that allows you to navigate through your dashboard without confusion.

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